Monday, August 15, 2011

REST REST and a ride on a ferry

8-14-11 we did rest alot today. tried to blog but the weather hindered being outside where access to Wi Fi at Sun N Shade is available. we did 2 loads of clothes and i cleaned the inside of the rig. we had Subway for a MOD. we did go to the Harmony Hall and hear the campground owners play gospel music. they played instruments: bass fiddle, mandelin, guitars and a harmonica. A good day all around. This had been supposed to be traveling day but we took an extra day. Traveling to Nova Scotia by ferry may be less crowded on Monday anyway. Until next time.

8-15-11 we traveled to Woods Island, PEI and boarded the Northumberland Ferry. this ferry was huge and had the accomodations of both a cafeteria and a snack bar. the entire ride was 75 minutes long. We were only 5 minutes from our Harbour Light campground in Pictou, NS. We will be staying only one night here to get back on our schedule. In Pictou, NS there is the Hector Heritage Quay that is home to a replica of the Ship Hector which brought the first wave of emigrants from Scotland, thus New Scotland (Nova Scotia). Also, there is a Grohman Knife Factory. we did not even unhook the car, so we took a walk to the campground's private beach.
As we prepare to board the ferry
we made it!!

Woods Island lighthouse
Another look at the lighthouse and the RED dirt bank

Another ferry going to PEI
Nova Scotia 

A fishing boat that we past
Nova Scotia

About to depart the ferry
pretty close HUH!

leaving the ferry
five minutes from the ferry

Our site/pull thru and WiFi  on site

Harbour Light campground's private beach

A family having a fun time on the water
i wonder why Bruce asked me to zoom
 in close on this boat????

              Until next time

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