Friday, August 19, 2011

Fortress of Louisbourg

today, we wore our sweatshirts and jackets and traveled to this National Historic Site of Canada. You are sent back to the year 1744 when it was a fortified French colonial town which endured two sieges. The French came to Louisbourg in 1713 following territorial losses to the English in Newfoundland and Acadia (Nova Scotia)in the war of the spanish succession. Based on a thriving fishing industry and trade, Louisbourg.quickly became France's most important stronghold and seaport in what is now Atlantic Canada. By 1760, Louisbourg lay in English hands and its fortifications were destroyed. Today, the Fortress of Louisbourg is a national historic site and the largest reconstructed 18th century town in North America. A good day of history!
the Fortress of Louisbourg
the entrance

A lookout on the corner of the wall
going into the fortress

the wishing well

Frederic Gate

in the Benoist house
street scene

sewing lace in De la Plagne House
military area

the lighthouse from the fort
gate going into and the garden of the Benoist House
the Clock Tower

the Chapel
King's Bastion barracks

King's Bastion Ramparts 
from inside the military complex

colonial life
more colonial life

more colonial life on the ocean inside a fortress
colonial entertainment

one of the offices in the Ordonnateurs residence
He was the financial overseer and probably
the richest man in the colony
the area of entertainment in the Ordonnateur's Residence.
He would have hired a professional to play the harpsicord
that has a keyboard attached. this was considered a
trade and not an art at this time

An Arrmoire of the time
this gun is as long as i am tall!

religion was a big part of the colony
lavendar being trimmed  in the flower garden
behind the Ordonnateur's Residence
An archeological dig
they have found this week: bone, pieces of a pipe,
buttons off of a soldier's uniform, and a
 beautiful pirce of pottery
Children dancing

London bridge is falling down, falling down

the Fortress of Louisbourg

Until next time

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