Saturday, August 27, 2011

Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia

we traveled a few miles in to Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia. There we went to the Visitor's Center which was located at the Annapolis Tidal Generating Station. Built in 1984 as a demonstration plant, the ATGS is the only tidal generating station in North America and remains one of few in the world. At peak output the station generates enough power for 4,500 homes. We rode back into town and walked over to Ft. Anne historic site. It was amazing at the defense mechanisms they had when the French built this fort. (the huge dune like hills that hid the land activity and the tunnels that were used). we walked through the Historic gardens and then we had our MOD at the German Bakery and Cafe next door. our meal was Hungarian tomato soup and  Snitzel sandwich. A great day of exploring new places!! 
looking down upon the turbine
that the water spins which is connected
to the generator
look at the size of the station's computer

operations are as much as 60 feet below
view from the observation deck

Hutchins Pharmacy

Annapolis Historical Gardens

Bruce, stopping to smell the roses!

like a beautiful bouquet

A replica of a 17th century Acadian home
thatched roof
An exterior bake oven

A beautiful garden

German Bakery and Cafe

Enjoying a MOD!!

Until next time

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