Sunday, August 14, 2011

the Green Shore coastal drive

August 12, 1971-August 12,2011, Bruce and i have been married 40 years!! We went to Hawaii for our 25th and we were wondering how it could be any better. Well folks we are enjoying retirement and being together alot. Life is GOOD. Praise to God for ALL the blessings that He has provided along the way. I have enjoyed taking pictures of the old churches as we travel. we stopped along the way at two. In the village of 'Clifton', New London, PEI, we stopped at the birthplace (and her home for two years) of Lucy Maud Montgomery. She is the  author of many books,but most of all the classic Anne of Green Gables. We traveled on to where the Lake of Shining Waters would have probably been referring to Anne's description in the book that they came over the hill and there was a lake of shining water. there was a horse drawn carriage ride called Matthew's Carriage Rides referring to Matthew in the book. We traveled on to Cavendish where Lucy grew up with her maternal grandparents and cousins. If Anne had been nonfiction, she would have most likely have lived here. we went to the beach and to the house that Anne would have lived if she had been nonfiction. We stopped at the Cavendish Boardwalk. we ate a beaver tail pastry and bought a PEI dirt shirt. the pastry is a flat funnel cake with the topping of your choice. i chose chocolate/hazelnut and Bruce had strawberry/rhubarb with whipped topping. The PEI dirt shirt company was founded by Michael Wheeler,then an Atlantic Veterinary College student. the idea was simple..."The island's rich red dirthas long been known to color clothing, instead of trying to get it out why not help put it in. Lobster suppers at St Ann's Church were started in 1964 by father Denis Gallant as a way to help pay off the mortgage on their new church. They are still serving 5 course meals 6 evenings/week. this was our anniversary meal. Surf and Turf (a strip loin steak and 1/2 lb. of lobster) we certainly did NOT go away hungry. It was great. This evening back at the campground there was a tribute to Johnny Cash music and songs by locals. we met a very nice couple from near Hopewell rocks, NB and talked to them alot.

St. Mary's Holy Family Parish

St Malachy's Church

A historical site /beautiful church

love the architecture of this one

the lake of shining waters and rolling hillside
that Anne of green Gables described so well

Another view of the lake of shing waters

this type of sloping was noted at many farm buildings
as well as residential houses foundations on PEI 

birthplace of Lucy Maud Montgomery/Author

shopping and eats!!!

COWS creamery and Anne's chocolates


great pastries with topping/s of your choice
thanks to our friend, Alice Campbell
 for alerting us to this treat

pods of seeds after roses have budded and bloomed
birds carry the seeds and as a result these are all over PEI

Cavendish Beach
YES! that is red mud on the bottom left surf

Another view of Cavendish Beach

home of Anne of Green Gables
beautiful flowers

vegetable garden and the barn in the background
at the home of Anne of Green Gables

Another view of Anne's house

St. Anne's Lobster Supper

St. Ann's Roman Catholic Church

tables beautifully set
happy 40th!!!

Until next time

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