Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Birthday America!!!

We have been enjoying the sun and fun in the shade at Lakewood Camping Resort since June 27. Bruce rented an umbrella to use on the beach for this week and I have thoroughly enjoyed that. It is SO much better than sitting in the sun. AND I am getting a nice tan. We have friends her that we visit almost daily. The Smiths, Boones, Clarks and Greenes. A great place to be during the Fourth of July holiday watching the excitement of so many people. Lakewood celebrates by crowning a new beauty queen and a parade.
I am so proud to be an American and celebrating my country's birthday brings alot of emotion. I am so blessed to live in the USA where our freedoms are so plentiful. This freedom does NOT come free. I thik about all of the military all over the world protecting those freedoms even though, many times, they are in harms way. I am proud of my son who chose to serve his country to help protect these freedoms.  I am so proud of my daughter in law who said yes to his proposal of marriage on July 4th three years ago. She has exemplified the loyalty to being a military wife even when times have been VERY difficult. They are both amazing young adults who have just had an amazing child!!

celebrating freedoms
Lakewood's replica of Lady Liberty

Early AM beach scene
Oh YES!!!


Lots of people

very crowded beach!!

Happy 4th of July!!

Enjoying the bikinis

Soaking the rays!!

miitary fly over
Yes, the planes are in the sky :))
We had a great time at the cookout with friends!!!

Chef Clark

A big table of delicious food

Sweet 16
showing off her ride!!

Visitors at the cookout

Lots of fireworks to end the day!!!!!

More Later

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