Thursday, July 26, 2012

Merl Lynn Woodcock Hutchins

7-25-21012  My Aunt Merl Lynn went to be with her Lord and Saviour in her new heavenly home. She was married to my Uncle Max Hutchins. She was the mother to Beverly, Bruce and Elaine and grandmother to Michael. In 1967,  Max, Beverly and Bruce all went to their heavenly home. There has been a glorious reunion, for sure.
My Aunt Merl Lynn was an awesome woman. As I was a young woman when I really got to know her well. Her arms were always open wide to give and receive a big hug. She became a confidant, a role model and a friend to me. I thought that there was nothing she could not do. She was a hunter of large game. She had a wonderful voice and sang with Sweet Adelines and in "South Pacific" at a Community Theatre. She once brought Elaine and I threw an ice storm in Ft. Smith, Arkansas that I thought no one could get through.
You NEVER had to wonder what she was thinking and sometimes that offended. There was no doubt that she loved family and her boisterous laugh will definitely be missed at family gatherings.
You NEVER had to wonder is she loved the Lord because she spoke of Him often and you could tell that she knew Him!
I spoke to her on the telephone on Sunday evening and told her how much that she meant to me and how much that I loved her. I was SO thankful for that privilege.
Merl Lynn, I will see you again some day!!

9-15-2012  A private memorial service was hels today by the Hutchins family. Several relatives spoke of how Merl Lynn had impacted their life. Aaron Pruitt officiated the service using Psalm 23 to show aspects of Merl Lynn's character.  Her nephew Don Singleton shared a song that he had composed regarding Dolly, a horse that he had inherited from Merl Lynn when she needed to find it a home. Several threads run through each eulogy. Her smile, her hugs, her boisterous laugh, her grief was between her and God and her great singing voice (just breaking into song 'I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair' and  'Let's go this a-way'.  Also, it was recounted how the nieces were not sure about their Uncle Max having a wife because when he and Merl Lynn married,he was the only unmarried uncle and we had taken turns seeking his attention. A special prayer was for Elaine and her family during this time.
Her love for the Lord and her dependence on Him was evident in her life. Her love for the Hutchins family was evident when she relocated closer to them from Alaska so Elaine could know them.


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