Saturday, August 3, 2013

Air Force Academy Visitor's Center and Chapels...old Colorado City...Dat's Italian Restaurant

We and the Creans set out to explore the Air Force Academy.

Pete spied deer along the way!! so we took advantage of a photo opportunity.

an excellent view of the chapels along the way

the Barry Goldwater Air Force Academy Visitor's Center

people have tested the sheet for the bounce of a coin

a replica of the protestant Cahapel

 We stopped at the visitor's center and watched a movie of a day in a cadet's life and then looked around and of course, the gift shop was a stop for a pin for Bruce's road trip hat and a few postcards. We learned there that the Protestant Chapel was to be closed at 1pm for a wedding, so we scurried over to make sure that we got a good visit of the chapels.

cadets in formation

the Protestant Chapel


moving day

the Catholic Chapel

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we saw wild turkeys as we left

historic old Colorado City

the Air Force Football stadium

oh yes!!!
this is me!!!

visited a Christmas shop instead of the North Pole
 which was $19/person to visit

remnant of the mining history

the Wild West

more later

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