Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ft. Klamath/Crater Lake, Oregon

We traveled 274 miles today along the Oregon Scenic Highway 97. The Oregon Outback, so to speak. We saw many snow capped mountains, crossed the 45th parallel near Shaniko, Oregon, many beautiful farms, cattle and horses along the way. The mountains have had volcanic activity to the point that there is a Lava Butte Pass with lots of volcanic rocks. Lava Butte is a cinder cone rising 500 feet above Lava Llands The elevation at this point was 4,510 feet.  Some of the barren land along the way could be considered High Desert Area where Ponderosa pines transition into arid land, junipers, sagebrush and bitterbrush. (Bend, Oregon)
As we began our day, we faced a beautiful snow capped Mt. Hood. The sun was quite bright this morning as we were facing it. There was a beautiful reflection on the Colombia River. We got diesel fuel as we turned onto 97. Then we began our journey through time on the Oregon scenic route. Along this highway there are many mountains listed on the atlas. I am not sure which ones that we actually saw:
Mt. Hood...elevation 11,245 feet...the highest point in Oregon
Mt Jefferson...elevation10,497 feet...named on March 30, 1806 by Lewis and Clark
McKenzie Peaks...6 cascade mountain peaks... South Sister...elevation 10,358 feet
                                                                            Broken Top...elevation 9,173 feet
Mt Bachelor...elevation 8065 feet
Mt Theilsen...elevation 9182 an extinct shield volcano whose eruptive activity ceased
          250,000 years ago. Glaciers have eroded the volcano's structure, creating precipitous
          slopes and a horn like peak. The spire like shape of Mt. Theilsen attracts lightening strikes and
          creates fulgurite, an unusual mineral.

We are ready for the photos of the day!!!

can you imagine living on this hill and
 seeing mt Hood all of the time

Sharinko, Oregon...



Our campsites for two nights

Bruce always makes friends
this young man saw our Ft Jackson sticker on our RV
he had been there before leaving the Army

More Later

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