Monday, May 21, 2012

Max Meadows, Virginia

5-21-2012 Since arriving at home on April 1, we have been to many MD appointments, labs and xrays. Mother has also had several xrays. We left her with the assignment to find a crib for Riley while we are gone!!!  All is well with everyone, so we are on the road again. We are traveling to NY to visit with Bubba and Kelly and meet our new granddaughter when she arrives!!!!!

This AM we left home about 8 AM. We are SO excited about getting to visit with Bubba and Kelly. Of course, we are anxious to meet our first grandchild, Riley Grace.

We arrived at Ft. Chiswell RV Park about 10:30 AM. We have rested today alot.

Petie says to include him in our blog so I must say that he was very excited about getting in the RV. He actually was apprehensive about being left behind!!

We had an uneventful and safe trip. We did enjoy seeing a driver get caught by the HP after he had been ugly to Bruce. What happened was that there was a specific sign that said NO cars in right lane.
So Bruce moved to the right lane. This driver stayed in the right lane, therefore bruce had pulled in front of him. When he passed, he blew his horn. Soooo we were very happy that the HP caught him speeding!!!!


more later

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